Our Events

We organize events around different Corporate Social Responsibility themes. Our goal is to show the various ways companies take action and make a positive impact on sustainability.


Knowledge Session: How to? Sustainable Supply Chain with Nordea.

Theme: How do companies manage to implement sustainability and include ESG in their processes to impact a more sustainable supply chain?


KNOWLEDGE SESSION Permahaven – an Urban Garden coming to CBS!

Theme: How can permaculture thinking be useful in reimagining sustainability in a business context?

Where? “Station” in the room ”The Arena” at Howitzvej 30, 2000 Frederiksberg.

Campus Actions

We organize many activities around the campus on different themes. Our goal is to spread awareness, simplify complex sustainable topics and take action.

Would you like some new clothes without having to compromise with your sustainable values?

Then the Clothing Swap is perfect for you. You won’t break your bank account, you won’t waste any clothes and you will participate in the circular economy.

Come and Join Us on October 17th from 2pm until 5pm

The rules of CCC Clothing Swap:
• Bring your clothes, shoes, and accessories and drop them off at Nexus.
• The clothes should be clean and neat.
• Bring your own shopping bag.
• Take home new items others have brought.
• Enjoy, talk, meet new people and have fun.
(Remaining items will be donated to charity)